
Tuesday, 31 May 2016

Featured Artist: Woolly Wild Things.

Hello and welcome again to you all. The Felting Lounge is back with a short feature from Natalie, the artist behind Woolly Wild Things.
She is a truly imaginative artist who works on a grand scale! Her work is absolutely unique, remarkable & unforgettable!

My name is Natalie, but my felting work goes by the name of Woolly Wild Things.

I love wool. I started needle felting in 2012, after finishing university and feeling a bit lost about what to do with my life. I did a degree in Fine Art and I love to sculpt and draw animals. I was taught basic needle felting techniques by a work colleague, and from that I figured out how to make just about everything else.

The first things I made were models of animals, I liked to try and make them as detailed as possible by with adding my own style to each piece. I have always loved animals and the natural world, and I found that felt was a fantastic material in which to recreate these things, being so natural itself.

One of my first animals (Fox) and some later work, Triceratops.

I went on to do a Masters in Theatre Design, and this inspired a new direction in my felting. I taught myself to wet felt, and learned to make hats which I embellished with needle felting. Wet felting added a whole new layer of possibility to my work. I wanted to make very big things, so in order to save money on wool I started buying whole fleeces raw and then washing them and dyeing them at home. I did have to buy a drum carder, which is one now of my favourite tools. I love processing my own wool. There is wool everywhere in my house!

My favourite fleeces so far are Oxford and Shetland, both of which I have used for needle felting and wet felting. I currently have a kilo of Zwartbles drying on my radiator, and I can’t wait to start experimenting with it!

One of my other interests is fairytales and monsters, and I have started to make costumes from felt inspired by this. I learned how to make masks, and I have since been making some quite large costume pieces, including waistcoats and wings! I like making things that people can wear that will turn them into something strange and magical. I am inspired by the work of Brian Froud and Arthur Rackham and films by Jim Henson. I also love the photographic work of Tim Walker and Kirsty Mitchell and the strange uncanny fairytale atmospheres they create.

Monster Mask

Bird Costume

Goat Mask

For anyone who has just started needle felting, I would like to say have fun. Don’t let the fear of doing it wrong hold you back. Experiment! The more you play and try things out the better you will become. Try big adventurous things!
Good luck!

You can see more from Woolly Wild Things on Natalie's Facebook Page and you can also check out her blog.

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